Tuesday, October 30, 2018

these were taken on the same day. due to the learning how I was learning how to change white balance I was not surprised when I noticed how different they looked. granted that these subjects are very different so the light only matters so much.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

this was of an older batch of photos, of all that was going on we couldn't get the camera to work. as you can see that I am the one standing there in the photo. we then managed to get it to work as I was just waving my arms all around the place.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

when you take a nice photo you sometimes have to look back at your not so good pictures. 
here is my example of a not as good photograph, while there is not a lot of light its composition brings a smile to my face. for future reference I should have taken this one in the day time.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Here is yet another photo of my Nintendo paraphernalia, one of the first six robot masters cut man.
some photos will take you far away, in order to take them that is. this photo was taken rather close to home, maybe that's just how I feel about this kind thing; it makes me comfortable like I really am at home.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

A picture that I enjoyed making, though I had better pictures with this same scene.
the picture it self is just one giant obscure joke; meaning it suits me perfectly.
I hade the tools for making this photo for years, and then suddenly I was truck by my usual sense 
of unbelievable  inspiration mixed with stupidity and had this fun little idea.
p.s. I made them all cheat.